La terre s’effondre à Nanterre
Další název/názvy: The ground collapses in Nanterre
Žánr: Newsreel
Rok: 1953
Minutáž: 00:00:56
Popis: The basement of the Parisian suburbs is riddled with quarries and vaults due to the construction of the metro. An entire district of Nanterre collapsed after a landslide due to the erosion of the subsoil.
Klíčová slova: Effondrement / Désastres / suburb / habitation / fire service / poverty / displaced person / truck / barracks / VICTOR-E project
Poskytovatel: Institut National de l'Audiovisuel
Práva: In Copyright / Institut national de l'audiovisuel. All rights reserved.
Typ dokumentu:
Language: fr